Special People Extraordinary Dedication
Support & Partner, Empower & Develop

Social Story Book


Dealing With Bullies /
Stranger Danger

Item: 9780980030068

Some Skills You Can Teach With This Item
  • Social skills
  • Reading and comprehension
  • Stranger Danger
  • Effectively deal with social situations
  • Prepare ahead of time for success
  • How to handle bullies

Why do I need this?
Social stories have a track record of success. This book is perfect for children who:

  • Are learning how to face a bully successfully
  • Are learning who to speak to if they are being bullied
  • Are learning the importance of stranger danger
  • Are learning who to trust and who to reach out to

Comprehension questions at the end of each story reinforce learning in a positive way

What’s in this social story book?
Two great stories:
1. Dealing With Bullies
2. Stranger Danger
A perfect addition to the book is the section of comprehension questions at the end of each story. This ingenious idea reinforces learning and helps the reader thoroughly understand what’s expected. This book has a track record of success in helping children with autism and those with social delays. The book has 20 pages.

Who benefits from this social story book?
These books are perfect if you are teaching a child with autism, pdd nos, speech and language delays or Aspergers. Social stories set clear expectations of possible events and teach children correct and appropriate responses.
Social stories set clear expectations of possible events and teach children correct and appropriate responses.

“YES! Thank you! I have searched everywhere for a social story book on bullies and I was thrilled when my order arrived today. Love the book!”
- Joanie, MD

“I’m so happy I found your social stories. They really do work. Thanks and keep it up.

- Fran, CA

“I am a behavioural and educational consultant for children with autism. I absolutely love your products and appreciate everything you do for the kids we work with! Keep up the great work!

- Anne, MA

“Please bring out more social stories. I’ve got all the books you have and I can’t find anything else like this.”
- Donna, NY

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